V‐Bank Medium Filter

V‐bank filters have been developed specifically for intake, exhaust and recirculated air filtration in HVAC systems posing stringent requirements for clean air quality and cost‐efficiency. Efficiency from M5 to H14 can be made in V‐bank form.
The medium efficiency V‐bank filters
serve as pre‐ or main‐filtration elements for environments with voluminous airstreams and/or when long lifespan is necessary. The rigid and corrosion resistant plastic frame ensures easy disposal of the used filter because it is totally combustible.Existing bag filter stages can be easily upgraded by exchange due to the fact that V‐bank filter fit into standard bag filter mounting frames.

Standard Size & Performace Parameters

Type: VS‐M6 VS‐F7 VS‐F9
Class EN779 M6 F7 F9
Efficiency EN779 [%] 65% 85% 95%
Initial‐ΔP[Pa](A/B) 65/120 75/140 85/165
Recc. finalΔP 600 600 600
Max. temp. [°C] 65° 65° 65°
(E=efficiency N=V quantity)
Width Height Depth Nominal
V quantity
VS592592292‐E (M6‐F9) N5 592 592  292 3000 5
VS592592292‐E (M6‐F9) N4 490 592 292 2400 4
VS287592292‐E (M6‐F9) N4 287 592 292 1200 4
Frame corrosion resistant plastic
Operational conditions  ▪ max. rel. h.100 [%]
▪ max. temp. 65 [°C], short term peak up to max. 80 [°C]
Spacers thermoplastic (minipleat)
Filtermedia  high quality glass fibre paper (water resistant), pressure
drop may temporarily increase at high humidity levels
Combustible Yes
Options  ▪ burst protector / protection screen
▪ foamed gasket on theclean air side of the flange
▪ V quantity is available from 2‐5v


SVW Integrated Technology Co., Ltd.

ADDRESS: 64 Soi Bangnatrad 12, Bangnatai, Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand. 
TEL: +66 (0) 2 7446300
FAX: +66 (0) 2 7446303
EMAIL: sales@svw-integratedtech.com

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FAX: +66 (0) 2 7446303